Monday, March 25, 2013

Mythic March Monday Makings IV

The month is winding down, and what a month it has been!  We have one more week to the official Mythic March, although hopefully those of you who are participating have found new fervor, started new projects, etc. that will extend beyond the original deadline.

This week I wanted to share with you two different resources for inspiring you to get off your bum and create.  Both have worked equally well for me this past week, in rather different ways.

First is this article from The Onion.  And yes, if you know anything about The Onion, you'll know it's rather farcical and tongue-in-cheek.  I started reading this article and thinking "oh gosh, hahaha, yes...that's just the problem I've had this entire month (and beyond) with motivating myself to create."  You remember earlier this month I was venting about how difficult it was to get off the ground on my projects because of long exhausting hours at the place where I work, which just had a grand reopening?  Yeah. 

So this article, titled "Find the Thing You're Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights and Weekends For the Rest of Your Life" is perfect.  You start out saying "ha yeah, that's me" and then by the end you realize "Hey, wait a minute...I don't WANT that to be me..."

Any time you're exhausted after work and just want to rest rather than do a bit more on that poem/painting/sculpture/story, read this article and hopefully it will jar you up and moving.

Second, a more traditionally inspiring resource, Terri Windling's blog, Myth and Moor, where she has had a few wonderful posts recently regarding artistic inspiration and motivation.  I find these two posts especially potent for inspiring, personally:

Art stands on the shoulders of craft

Mist and forgiveness

I must say, as much as I am moved by the incredible quotes Terri finds (such a resource!) I was socked in the gut by the words of the first commenter on the second link.  He said:

In the past I often found myself putting off projects until such time as I might be able to achieve the best creation that I can.. which of course is always tomorrow. I didn't have a name for it at the time but I realize now that what turned me into a master of unfinished projects and almost kept me from pursuing art was my lack of self forgiveness

Yes.  Oh gosh yes.  This is me.  To a tee. 

So let me ask you to do something.  If your projects this month didn't come out as you hoped...if they never even really got off the ground...practice what is preached in the above two links.  Step 1: Forgive yourself and then Step 2: Work again at your craft.  

This past week I worked on my craft by finally completing the second of three phases of a massive art project in my house: I completed the last sketch of the Twelve Dancing Princesses on my walls.  Now I only have step three left (the most intimidating):  actually painting them on the walls.  For more images, click here.



  1. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm afraid I fall prey all to often to feeling like my passions should come second to doing the "responsible" things, like making the kitchen spotless, looking for a "real" job, or numerous other family, school, or work obligations.

  2. This creation which you are breathing life into is truly magical! And it is inspiring for all of us who dither ..... Minerva ~
