Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mythic March 2014 - Start Thinking!

By Renee Needham

It's almost that time again, ladies and gents!  And I don't know about you, but I need it this year more than ever.

Well, okay yes I could be talking about spring, but what I'm really talking about is....

Mythic March 

If you recall, last year was the first year we started this fun tradition in the same vein as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, held every November.  But instead of being in November, we hold ours in the month of new beginnings, when spring's delicate tendrils of green start to wrap around our hearts.

Last year's summary post is here, and I highly recommend you read it, but the concept is simple: just create.  It doesn't matter if you're writing a song, planting a garden, creating art, etc. etc.  Just get off your bums that have been so cozily cradled by the couch all of this freezing snowy winter long, and CREATE something.

By Joel Robison

Every Monday in March, we will have Mythic March Monday Makings, where I'll talk about what I've been working on, and share anything that any of you share with me as far as progress on your own projects.  You can email me here, leave a comment on a blog post, or contact me over on Facebook via our Domythic Bliss group or my personal page (Grace Nuth) to let me know what you're doing.

So now is the time to start thinking about it.  What do you want to work on for Mythic March?  And feel free to tell me your ideas below!
